Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday was great. What a way to start our new series under our new name as we celebrate 10 years as a church. As we said yesterday....same church, same purpose, same values, same name.

I was personally moved when I saw so many people in both services coming up to sign your name on the wall. Knowing that together as a Team Church that we all understand and are committed to the One Purpose of this Awesome and will enable us to continue the impact in our city that we have enjoyed for the last 10 years.

Speaking of impact in our city....tonight the town council will once again vote on our rezoning petition. We have submitted plans for the entire 60 acre campus here and are praying that the town council will approve it. They have deferred for three months now as we have been asked to work through some issues. Hopefully, tomorrow morning while we are all giving blood here at our Red Cross blood drive, we can report good news of the rezoning.

One last thing! Our new website is up and running. Go check it out and use it weekly to stay up to date with what is going on. Moreover, share it with a friend!

In reference to yesterdays message on One Purpose....

"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life." Robert Lewis Stevenson