Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mural is gone...new stage design going up

Our staff and volunteers worked hard Sunday and Monday to clear the stage of the Mural and get ready for our new exciting message series that starts this Sunday. I love the way we use visual aids to help make each Sunday experience a great learning and meaningful experience. The effort our staff and volunteers put into each Sunday is so that different people with different learning styles and personalities can learn and be challenged in each given topic.

We value offering challenging, risky and life-changing messages. Christianity and the local church was never meant to be a safe, easy, low risk message or experience. I love the fact that each Sunday is not just information meant to educate …..but it is presented to stimulate to action. We value transformational information that challenges us to be all that God wants us to be and do!

I promise you that the next three messages will be all of those things. I have been thinking, praying and preparing for these messages for the last few weeks...and I am very pumped to give them. If you have friends who want to know what Team Church is all about, who we are, where we are going, what we are doing in this community and the like....then bring them this Sunday. If you have friends looking for a church that is geared to make real lasting changes and impact in their lives and their community....then get them here! As we approach our 10 year anniversary we are set and primed to make even a larger impact in our community.

Be here this Sunday and don’t miss the first 5 minutes!

Here is a thought ..."If you do the things you need to do when you need to do them, then one day you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them."