Friday, January 23, 2009

Looking For Some Skilled People

This coming April, Team Church is going to celebrate our 10-year-anniversary by re-building & building a few needed things at the Howell Center in Mint Hill. The Howell Center is a place for severe mental and physical handicap kids and adults that can no longer be managed at home. As many of you know, this is where our daughter Ellie lives now. While going there on a weekly basis I have noticed that the "high-school" play area is in need of fixing and adding some new shelters and equipment. Also, the younger kid area has plenty of fenced yard...but no play ground equipment.

Moreover, in talking with the Howell Center they are no longer able to use their in-door therapy pool because the roof has a leak right over the pool and the ceiling tiles and such have fallen in and made the pool unusable. We are not sure if we can do all of these things in one weekend.....but we sure would like to try.

A few weeks ago we had 185 adults signed up to help at the Howell Center. That is awesome and more than enough for this one project. However, we need some skilled people to join me there in a week or two to assess the damage, make plans and design a strategy for what we can do. If you are a skilled carpenter, electrician, plumber, roofer, or the like and would like to be on the point team for this major project....then email me at

The Howell Center does not have any money to put toward these needed projects. So, if you know of a company that supplies some of the needed materials we may use...let me know and I will put whomever becomes the point person for this project on it!

I love the fact that we are celebrating our 10-year-anniversary by doing 10 different service projects in our community. I love the fact that these projects/events are truly "others" focused. In these hard economic times the need is great for many people and the agencies that support them also need help. That is why we at Team Church are continuing what we have always a church in the community, serving the community, reaching the community and making an impact in people's lives who may never sit in the seats of our church.

Team Church...our name designates that we are far more than a great place to sit and learn through a Sunday message and enjoy wonderful worship. Although that happens each Sunday......the local church must be in the action business of serving, impacting, reaching for Christ and helping to make each local community a better place to live.

"When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." Luke 12:48

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