Monday, October 8, 2007

The Rest Of The Story

Yesterday, during my message, I told the story of when I was in college and I entered an amateur boxing tournament at a local sports bar. I told the story in detail right up to the point where the bell rang....then I stopped and went on to my next point.

I was amazed at the amount of people who came up after each service and said they wanted to know the rest of the story. I have emails that came in yesterday asking for the rest of the story. One guy in the 3rd service even shouted out..."c'mon tell us what happened." That was a first for me! I have never had anyone heckle me from the crowd. I told him...."you will have to come back next week."

Next Sunday....I will tell the "rest of that story!" I promise, it does not end like you think it does!

I loved the energy and the fun we had yesterday during the services and of course in the Porch Cafe area. I have had many new people tell me, "This is actually enjoyable!" or "I look forward to coming to church....I did not think I would ever say that!"

These are great days at CSF. Growth that is coming from changed lives and changed lives that are growing in Christ. It was great to see so many people just hanging out on the patio before and after each service....great job cafe team, host team and parking team! You guys make all of our Sundays a better experience.