Friday, October 26, 2007

Walk The Walk

At our 2007 vision night I introduced a new ministry that we would be launching and putting a lot of CSF power into over the next 16 months. We are calling it "Public School Impact", and our passion and mission is to get hundreds of CSF volunteers into the public schools. We want to serve those who teach our kids. We want to assist those who help raise our kids. We want to show our city, the parents, the teachers and especially the kids that attend these schools that CSF has a mandate from God to help make our city a better place.

We don't care if they ever come and sit in our seats on Sunday morning. If our Fellowship is just about how many Christians gather on Sunday morning...we have missed the great command of Jesus!

We want to make an impact in the lives of kids/teens while they are at school and school activities. We want them to see the love of Christ working through that they are drawn to Him AND so that we can help make their journey through adolescence better and more productive.

We are off to a great start! I am proud to introduce these folks as our point leaders for this great CSF ministry:
* Kristine Wood
* Lisa Crosby
* Jennifer Mowery
* Kendall Taylor

These folks are making school board, principal, and teacher connections so that we proceed correctly and within public school policy. However, I can assure you thus far we have not had a principal or administrator say anything but....HELP! As a matter of fact CMS superintendent, Peter Gorman, said in a speech recently that churches needed to get involved in the public schools and work with CMS to make this a great school district for all kids.

Even as we are getting organized CSF is "doing something" in our schools. Tonight we are hosting the Butler High Varsity football team for a pre-game meal and devotion.

Tomorrow, many volunteers from CSF will be leading out and serving at Porter Ridge High School at the area Band Competition. We will be working at tables and helping with all the activities that go on at a regional band competition. When the band director and principal was told that CSF..."had it covered"...they could not believe it!

This Sunday you will see a table set up for the book drive for the "high needs" kids at Benton Heights Elementary School. The books will be given to these kids as they cannot afford to buy their own books or do not have means to get to a public library. We want to provide these kids with their very own books! More info this Sunday!

Of course we are also getting ready to launch into our Walter Bickett Christmas Mission. That is the project we have done for the last 5 years. The people of CSF prsoanlly buy over 700 gifts for each kid at the school and we give them to each kid personally on the last day of school at the Christmas Party we provide at the school.

Our vision is to do more than just projects like this. We have been doing this for years at CSF. Our vision that will go into full drive in January 08, is to start having CSF volunteers on campus on a regular basis. Our goal is to have hundreds of CSF volunteers making a weekly difference on the campuses of our local schools! That is where we are going......I hope you will be a part of this public school revolution!