Monday, January 14, 2008

Bill Board Going Up

Today on Hwy 74 and I-485, we will have a billboard going up to advertise our new message series coming up. The new series is called..."How to Kill Your Marriage." Of course, during the series we will be trying to give biblical wisdom and principles to help marriages. However, sometimes we can make things better by exposing what it is we are doing poorly first....then making the change.

Be sure to use the buzz that the billboard and newspaper coverage will create, along with our website to invite your friends and neighbors to this marriage saving series. People will sometimes wonder and ask why we would do such a creative and edgy title for a series and then also put it up on a billboard.

Guess what.....the daily Bible reading today answers that question perfectly. The first part of Luke chapter 14 gives in vivid color why we as a Fellowship do the creative marketing and series that we do. Jesus tells the parable about the great dinner table (it is an analogy of heaven and a personal relationship with Him) and how many of the "right kind of people" (picture of those who are church goers and Christians that know the truth but see no need to attend) were invited but they were busy. So the master tells the servant who is supposed to be getting people to attend this dinner banquet to go out and get the poor, the crippled, blind and lame (this is a picture of unchurched people who are not Christ followers and many times rejected by the local church) and invite them to come to the dinner. When the servant tells the Master that he has done this and yet there is still room for more at the dinner table, he tells him to go into the roads and city streets and find more needy people and "make them come in."

CSF using a billboard, newspaper and other creative us putting our focus on those who live in our area that do not attend church anywhere else and probably don't have any Christian influence in their lives. As a Fellowship we are committed to reaching people who are not Christians and involved in a local church in our community.

Make plans to be here for this exciting new series!