Wednesday, May 7, 2008

School is almost out!

Last week at breakfast I asked Peyton (10 years old and in 4th grade) what he was looking forward to most about Summer vacation? Without having to even think about it, he blurted out....."not having to go to school!"

I remember those days! Knowing that in just a few days you would be out of school for almost three months. I felt like that from 1st grade through completing Graduate School. I laughed when Peyton said it and then followed up with, "so what do you want to do over Summer vacation?" He started his list.......

What are your kids doing this Summer? I hope you are doing all you can to get them signed up and ready to go to one of our Summer camps we offer at CSF! This year, once again, we have two great camps for all age kids PLUS we are having a one-day family camp!

All-Stars Kid Camp is June 30th - July 2nd.
* Camp is for current 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
* We will be at The Cedar Grove Center and will have the whole place to ourselves.
* Cost is only $140 per for details.

Middle & High School Camp is July 14th - 18th
* Camp is is for current 6-12th graders.
* We will be at Camp Courtney in the mountains again this year!
* Cost is only $199 per student...for everything! Email whatever you can to get your kid and teens to these life-changing camps! (scholarship help available)

Family Day Camp is July 29th 3pm -8pm
* Everyone can come and it is all free!
* We will be here in South Charlotte at the Hemby Center.
* Two pools, ropes course, rappelling tower, two play grounds,basketball, volleyball, kickball, etc.

* Bring your own food or order and eat from the BBQ truck that is coming!

I love summer time!

PS...over 50 ladies showed up at ZUMBA last night. They will be ready for our 80's dance this Saturday!

Today's Bible Reading: Matthew 24

The end of the world! The final days.... Topics that are not real clear in the Bible and Jesus himself said no one will actually know when the end of the world will happen. Could be now, could be after the next election, could be 100 years from now!

However, this chapter makes one thing will happen and YOU and I better be ready spiritually. What we believe about Christ now makes all the difference. Also, this chapter should encourage us to make sure we are inviting family and friends to church and telling them ourselves about who Jesus Christ is and wants to be in their life.