Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Summer Time Fun Is Coming

What plans do you have this summer? Summer time is a great time to do some things that you normally do not get a chance to do. In the Hibbard house it is a time that we love to travel for vacation and try to go to places we have never been. This Summer we will hit two more new states as we vacation in Wisconsin and from there take a day trip into Minnesota. As many of you know, we as a family love doing different things and going to different places every summer. However, as we do every summer, there will be camps at church and sports camps.

(If you are looking for a great Baseball Camp for your kids...look no further than our own backyard. Kim Cousar is the Butler High School Head Varsity coach AND CSF member. They offer a GREAT baseball camp at Butler that is designed with every skill level in mind. Go to BUbaseball.org or email bubaseball@carolina.rr.com for details)

At CSF we are also making some different kind of plans for the summer....because routine is boring! On June 6th we will have nationally known comedian Tim Hawkins here for one night and one show only. This is a great night out for the family and a GREAT chance to invite a friend who does not attend CSF. Tim is not a Christian Comedian. He is a very funny comedian who is a Christian. Everyone will love it!

Also, starting June 22 we will have a FREE and FUN picnic on the Patio every Sunday following our noon service. That is right....every Sunday this Summer after 3rd service we will have a great summer picnic on the patio (or in the atrium if it is too hot or raining). Be looking for details. As a matter of fact....the summer is full of new and different things that will allow you to stay connected and have fun the entire summer. Moreover, everything is designed with your friends in mind...so bring them!

Today Bible Reading: Romans Chapter One

The book of Romans is great. As you read it....you will be inspired and challenged.

What do you think of verse 16? Paul said he is not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for salvation. What about verse 26-28. If their was ever a verse that showed very clearly God's view of homosexuality this is one of them. Never forget one sin is not any worse than another...however, we cannot pick and choose what use to be wrong and is now right. Also, as think of Homosexuality be named specifically here continue to read down as in verse 29-31...where other sins are mentioned. Let us all strive to be godly examples of what we should be!