Friday, May 16, 2008

You Can Now Give or Pay on Line

For the last couple of years people have been asking when CSF would have the ability to have on-line giving and the ability to pay for things like camps and sports registrations via our web page. That day is here!

You should know that we did not jump on the bandwagon a year or so ago when "everyone was doing it" because the cost to the church was to high and the safety was not yet made available in a less expensive way. However, after waiting and doing our research we have come up with what we believe is the best way for you to be able to make financial transactions via our website. (As you will learn this Sunday...we thought this matter needed us to be diligent and not hasty or slothful.)

Great job to Team Volunteer Brain Russell who did the research and made this possible. So.....starting now you can give your tithe to our regular budget on-line safely. You can give to our Expand Adventure and you can also pay for specific things like camps, sports and the like.

Go to and click on "on-line" giving. From there everything is SIMPLE to understand. Go ahead and start racking up those air miles and points!

Don't forget these exciting things this Sunday:
* We will announce our Expand Totals
* Every Family will get a FREE CSF original CD from our band.
* I will start a new dynamic series called SIMPLE!

Today's Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5

Are you ready to die? Are you ready if the end of the world were to come today? The Bible is clear that no one knows the time or date. No one knows the details.....we just know that one day we will all either die or we will be alive when the "last day" comes. Are you ready? Do you know for certain that if a tornado were to rip through your neighborhood and kill you tonight that you would spend eternity with God in Heaven? What about your family and friends?

If you are not sure and want to chat with someone the CSF office! If you are not sure about your family and friends start talking with them and inviting them to CSF with you!