Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Zumba Is Here!

The Bible says that we should be healthy in mind, body and soul. Many times as Christians we focus on our mind and our soul without ever really taking into account our physical health. At CSF we have given messages on the importance of being physically fit and healthy. We have also always offered many sporting activities to keep our bodies moving.

Now at CSF we are keeping up with the latest and hottest health and fitness trend...ZUMBA. That is right.... we have certified ZUMBA instructor Dania Tschirhart from CSF that has agreed to serve in this unique way. Every Saturday morning 9:30-10:30am & again on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm we are dancing our way into health. ZUMBA is a n aerobic fitness program with a Latin flair that combines aerobic moves and high energy salsa music. This fun and dynamic program is sweeping the nation...and we have it here at CSF for FREE twice a week. How cool is that!

This is another example of creative serving at CSF. Dania does not charge as she sees this as a ministry opportunity. Before, during and after the class people are talking and building friendships as they get into shape. Everyone at CSF is invited and is encouraged to bring a friend! What a great way to introduce a friend to CSF!


Today's Bible Reading: Matthew 23 (perfect lesson on the day NC votes)

This is a tough passage for all of us as Christians who are in ANY kind of leadership position. This is a tough chapter for those of us who are parents. This is a tough chapter for any of us who are Christians and have friends who are not and we know they are always looking at how we live our lives.....

Jesus said that the Religious leaders had positions of authority that demanded respect and that people had to listen to what they taught. However, Jesus then said....don't do what they do, because they live contrary to what they teach. He called them Hypocrites...ouch. None of us are perfect, however, we must always strive to make sure that what we say that others do...is what we are doing.